Purpose Cooperative

The Founders

Together with one Purpose

Olivia Schwab, Daniel Sieber, Jacqueline Scaffidi Fonti, Andrew Marshall, Sara Bendel, Christian Wohlwend, Nancy Wayland & Reto Schaffer

The Purpose

” We create resources and make them available to locations in Switzerland that respect people’s self-determination. Both today and tomorrow. “

How do we do that?

The community profits

Traditional business models in our economic system are geared towards maximising individual profit. VERD pursues an alternative approach where the profits from services we create for the community flow back to the community.

Creating Services

VERD designs and creates services of value to you, your family and your local community.

Earning Revenues

VERD services you use earn revenues and generate profits for your local community.

Distributing Profits

Members of VERD decide how profits are allocated to benefit their local community.


VERD Purpose Cooperative was registered in Canton Bern, Switzerland on 11. July 2024.
It’s statutes govern how the it is organised as well as the rights and duties of a person or entity who has purchased Shares in the VERD Purpose Cooperative.

Single Share purchase application

Any resident of Switzerland is eligible to purchase a Share of the VERD Purpose Cooperative for CHF 5.-.

Before filling out the Share purchase application please take a moment to review the Statutes.
When registering other family members or friends - please use a different Email address for each person.